Dear Families and Friends
We are sure you will be wondering what the change to ‘Red’ under the Governments Traffic Light system means in terms of visiting your loved ones. The good news is that nothing significant has changed, guidance for Aged Residential Care facilities state that all visits need to be by appointment, you need to show evidence of your vaccination status or a negative test within 72 hours of your visit, wear a mask and preferably the visit should be outside (Pergola area at Kumeu Village), if this is not possible then please stay in the residents room. Please do not spend time in communal areas inside, if you need assistance, please ring the bell in the room to alert staff. All visitors must scan in for contact tracing purposes at the main reception area (families with loved ones in Kumeu Village) – and complete a temperature and symptom check on arrival.
Resident outings and short stays with family/ whanau can occur and visits should be limited to places with vaccination certificate requirements or outdoor areas and follow all public health measures.
Children may visit residents outside only.
Booster shots:
Booster shots were provided to most eligible residents on 20 January (Kumeu Village) with the remainder scheduled for 26 January and 9 February. Ladybug residents received their booster shots 19 January.
While in a general sense the situation is less than ideal, on a positive note nothing significant has changed regarding visits or taking your loved ones out.